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Motorcycle Chic: How To Get That Trendy Biker Look

Motorcycle Chic: How To Get That Trendy Biker Look

There are few styles on the planet that are timeless. Denim jeans. The color black. Well fitted suits. Sometimes a fashion style is just so iconic and beautiful that it will always be on trend. And it is only natural for us to want to emulate those looks. One of my favorite timeless looks is motorcycle chic. Because there is nothing more sexy and stylish than someone riding a motorcycle in full gear.

Motorcycle chic isn’t just about wearing motorcycle gear. But that is a big part of it. It is also about the aesthetics of your outfit under the safety equipment. Your accessories and how you carry yourself. And, of course, the style of your bike! Today we are going to be showing you how to get that trendy biker look you’ve always wanted!

Hair Maintenance

This section is only important if you own and ride a motorcycle. Wearing a helmet while riding is a complete non-negotiable. No matter how experienced you are, you should always wear your helmet. With that out of the way we can focus on one of the main issues you’ll face in regards to your helmet. And that is helmet hair.

Having your hair compressed into such a confined space for long periods of time is naturally going to leave it looking less than stylish. And sweat will make it look oily and wet. So you need to practice proper hair maintenance to ensure your hair is going to be looking healthy and fashionable at all times.

One of the best solutions is to consider going with a shorter hairdo. Something close to the head. But if you want to keep your hair long you should consider adding products such as gel or wax to your hair to help it maintain its shape while under the helmet. You should try to only use hair products that work for your hair type as well.

Finding The Right Jacket

The lynchpin of any good biker look is, of course, the jacket. A biker jacket is the item that pulls the look together. It lets people know what look you are going for and does it to a startling effect. But not all biker jackets are made equally. Often you see a lot of jackets that prioritize safety over fashion. And this is perfectly fine for people who are riding a lot.

But if you want a more stylish jacket then there are a few things to consider. The most obvious choice is to get anything from the MotoGp collection. The Motorcycle Grand Prix is the biggest spectacle in the biking world. Where all the most talented riders come to show off their skills. And their sponsors too. A jacket from the MotoGp collection is the perfect way for you to show off your support for your favorite cyclist while also boosting your style.

Both the official MotoGP website and many secondary stores have the Motogp collections available. You should take some time to research the validity of any secondary sellers to ensure they aren’t selling knock-off products. But, on average, most sites offer the real thing.


When we discuss accessories there are two types to consider. Accessories for your bike and biker apparel. And general fashion accessories. We shall look at bike accessories to start. Your bike will play a large part in pulling together your outfit. So you want to ensure it is kitted out in such a way that it will complement your look. Personalized decals that show off your interests are a great place to start. Or a customized wrap to really make it stand out.

You should consider accessorizing your motorcycle jacket and helmet with personalized items too. There are thousands of amazing patches that can be sewn onto your jacket to make it stand out from the crowd and make it uniquely yours. And, if you’re going to put a wrap on your bike, you could put a wrap on your helmet to make it match.

Now let us turn our attention to fashion accessories. Because even without a biker jacket and helmet on, you still want to capture that distinct biker look. Metal chains or studs are a great place to start. If you are rocking leather trousers then a chain hanging around the pocket or across your waist will look amazing. Studded boots are also extremely chic at the moment.

Rings are also a huge part of the biker look. Something elegant and simple is preferred over anything too flashy. Try to avoid rings with gems in them. Opt instead for signet rings or silver bands. If rings aren’t your thing then you could go for a necklace instead. You will want something that isn’t too overstated. Again avoiding jewels where possible.

Modern Modeling: How To Make It In The Industry

Modern Modeling: How To Make It In The Industry

So many people dream of becoming a model. Getting to strut their stuff along the catwalks of France and Spain. Appearing on billboards and magazine covers across the globe. Attending the most prestigious galas and socializing with the biggest names in the industry. But it is not an easy industry to break into.

But it also isn’t impossible to break into the modeling world. It will take a lot of hard work, dedication, and just a tiny bit of luck too. Today we are going to arm you with all the information you need to start your modeling journey.

Looking After Your Image

The modeling world is extremely vein and judgmental. But that is because it has to be. Modeling is a visual art. You could be the smartest, most lovely person in the world. But if you don’t maintain your physical image over the years you won’t ever make it as a model. So you need to ensure you are looking after your image.

This starts with a good skincare routine and regime of exercise. This, of course, will need to be paired with a healthy diet. It is important to note that you don’t need to be necessarily skinny to be a successful model these days. All body types are beautiful and the modeling world is becoming more open to this. But you still need to be physically fit as modeling is a demanding job that will drain your energy levels.

Looking after your image also includes keeping your wardrobe up to date. The fashion industry moves very fast. Trends shift almost monthly. And you need to show potential clients that you have your finger on the pulse. A good way to sustain this is by regularly selling your old clothes on websites like Vinted so that you always have a steady stream of income coming in to upgrade your wardrobe.

Build An Online Portfolio

Social media has changed the world of modeling in a huge way. As a potential model your social media page will be your portfolio. And, as such, you need to curate it in a way that highlights your strengths.

A great example of this is Onlyfans models. Their more public facing profiles like TikTok and Instagram often hint at their more explicit content without giving too much away. This shows an awareness of what the public wants to see and a level of business savvy that potential agents love. If you want to be more like these models then I recommend spending some time studying their profile and making note of which posts have the most engagement.

A big part of building your online portfolio will be maintaining a regular upload schedule. Not every post has to be a modeling one. But a good majority of them should be. A consistent upload schedule will show potential agents and clients that you are dedicated and proactive. It is also a good idea to post some vlogs so that potential clients can get a feel for your personality at the same time.

Take As Many Gigs As Possible

As you first start out in the modeling world you will want to build up your CV. And this means trying to get as many different modeling jobs as you can. Even if they don’t pay anything, building up that experience will be invaluable. Both in terms of your own practical experience and to show future potential agents.

One great way to find work as a beginner is by getting in touch with universities. Their fashion programmes are always looking for volunteer models who can help with showcases or end of year projects. And this is a great place to start networking. You never know which of these students could go on to become the next big name in fashion.

Networking Is King

Speaking of networking, this is the bread and butter of your modeling career. In this industry it is more about who you know rather than what you know. So building a strong network of professional contacts is vitally important to your success.

Social media is, of course, the most efficient tool for networking. Start contacting different profiles you follow. Other models, photographers, artists, musicians. See if they want to potentially collaborate with you or see if they simply want to connect and chat.

Networking with your fans is also an important step that a lot of up-and-coming models ignore. The duality of social media means that it is all too easy for someone to get canceled by the court of public opinion. So one of the best ways to avoid this is to regularly engage with your fans. Be friendly with them. Answer their questions and share some details about your life with them. But always make sure you keep the more private details of your life off social media.

The 6 Trendiest Places To Live For Budding Fashionistas

The 6 Trendiest Places To Live For Budding Fashionistas

Moving home is an exciting time in your life. Whether you’re going for your first home or moving somewhere to start a family. It is a new chapter in your life that will be filled with adventure and excitement.

Deciding where to move to isn’t always the easiest choice. Especially if you’re someone who loves fashion. The world of fashion is as much a game of location as real estate is. Each nation has their own distinct styles. And the various cities within those nations all diverge on what is hot and what is not. So, if you’re a budding fashionista looking for a new place to live, we have put together a list of the six trendiest places where you will fit right in!


The Golden State. California is one of the most beautiful and popular states in the world. They are ahead of the curve on social, fashion, and political trends. Being the first state in the USA to legalize marijuana. And is it the home of Hollywood, the entertainment capital of the world!

California is a hotbed of fashion. Especially in Los Angeles. Some of the most popular fashion influencers call California home. You can’t go anywhere in the state without seeing people rocking the latest designer brands and fashion trends. This truly is the ideal palace for anyone looking to make a name in fashion.


The city of lights! Romance. Adventure. Food. Passion. Paris has it all. And, most importantly, it is one of the most fashionable cities on the planet. And that isn’t hyperbole. It was officially voted the most fashionable city in 2024.

The fashion scene in Paris is often a bit more experimental and extravagant than in other nations. It is here where designers come to test their new looks and model their latest creations. The Paris fashion weeks, held semi-annually, bring designers and models from the world over. Paris is the best choice for anyone who is serious about becoming a big name in the fashion world.


Singapore is one of those cities that is often ignored when discussing beautiful places. Yet the Lion City has so much to offer. Especially for those who love fashion. While it may not hold the same esteem as Paris or Milan, the fashion scene in Singapore is vibrant and diverse. Thanks primarily due to the huge number of independent markets.

Singapore has some of the most beautiful locales as well. From beautiful public gardens to the stunning neon skyline. And now is a perfect time to move to Singapore. New housing initiatives mean it is now easier than ever before to get a freehold new launch condo right in the heart of the city. Singapore is also home to some of the best cuisine in Asia. So if you’re a foodie as well you will fit right in.


There is a saying that black goes with everything. And we likely believe that saying originated in Berlin. The techno capital of the world, Berlin is a hotbed of fashion and partying. People say New York is the city that never sleeps. But Berlin would put any New Yorker to shame.

The fashion scene in Berlin is intense and elite. So much so that most of the most popular clubs will outfit check you at the door. But beyond that the city is also stunningly beautiful. With the Berlin wall gallery stretching through its heart. And the history of the city means you will always have something new to explore. Berlin is ideal for any fashionista who adores strutting their stuff on the dance floor until the sun rises.


Amsterdam is easily one of my favorite cities. Arguably one of the most unique places on the planet. With the canals flowing through its heart. And the tall buildings create a colorful scene as you drift along the water.

Amsterdam might be famous for its tulips and coffee shops. But it is equally known for its fashion scene. Primarily fueled by the huge amount of tourism the city experiences all year round. Amsterdam pride is one of the most extravagant celebrations the city experiences. With people strutting some of the most beautiful and vibrant outfits you’ll ever see.


Spain is a nation with a strong cultural identity rooted in fashion. And no city in Spain exemplifies this more so than Milan. The city is home to some of the most beautiful architecture you will ever see. Along with some of the most amazing food on the planet.

The fashion in Milan veers more towards the elegant and vogue. Sitting on the cutting edge of fashion, people in Milan love their designer brands. Milan fashion week is a tour de force of amazing outfits and high-end designers. This city is definitely the right choice for any fashionista who loves spending their time flaunting their outfits in the sun!

Interior Decoration: The Do’s And Don’ts Of Modern Design

Interior Decoration: The Do's And Don'ts Of Modern Design

Are you looking forward to giving your home a new look? Once in a while, you may want to upgrade the design of your home to look more elegant. Nowadays, there are many ways you can upgrade your interior decor without incurring much cost. Moreover, modern designs are easy to do by yourself and in the way you want to.

Modern designs feature clean lines, simplicity, and a focus on functionality. They are meant to transform your room into a stylish and comfortable living space. There are many designs in the market that you can adapt depending on the size of your room, your personal tastes and preferences, and your budget. However, there are certain things you can and can not do if you want to achieve the desired aesthetic.

In this article, we will explain the world of modern interior decor and what you should consider when you want to give your room a stylish appearance.

Things You Should Do

As much as you would want to embrace modern design to transform your home, not every change works well for every house. If you want to do it nice and simple, you should avoid complicating matters and follow a few easy guidelines.

Here are the things that would work for you.

Keep it Simple

When you think of interior design, it may be as complicated as you want it to be or simple and elegant. The problem with complicated decor involving too much stuff is that it may end up losing harmony and making the room cluttered rather than stylish. Make your room spacious enough to breathe and move around without obstructions. When it comes to painting the room, go for neutral colours, such as white, grey, or beige, as these will easily blend with items of other colours.

Choose Decor with Natural Features

When it comes to beauty, adding a touch of outdoor nature to your modern design can change the way your room looks. It will also balance traditional and modern decor to create visual interest and a connection to nature. Some of the natural elements you can include are wooden or stone-made items such as wooden mirrors, dining tables, and stands. You may also have a few large potted plants on the floor to add life and warmth.

Focus on Ambience

Consider replacing your old or ordinary lighting fixtures with elegant alternatives that use modern lighting technology to complement your decor style. Some lights will also come with different shades to give a mix of ambience, while accent lighting can create layers of illumination.

Add Texture

A little addition of texture will help create depth and visual interest in your living space, making it feel more welcoming. Choose a wide variety of textures to avoid being too monotonous. Consider such items as velvet upholstery, plush rugs, and metallic accents. Just ensure you mix and match them to create contrast without overcrowding your room.

Things to Avoid Doing in Interior Decor

Having considered what you need to do to bring out your modern design well, some practices should be avoided. Here are the don’ts in modern design.

Repairing a Damaged Rental

You should not only have beautiful things in the house, but their use is equally important and should never be overlooked. Supposing your rented house was partially destroyed by fire, do accept to repair it. Instead, the rule is that the landlord shall return all security and prepaid rent recoverable to enable you to seek a new home. Otherwise, you will spend a lot and maybe not achieve your desired finish.

Neglecting Room Size

When changing your furniture and adding more decor to your living room, dont forget to pay attention to the size of your room. Too many pieces of modern decor crowd the room, making it unlivable comfortably. That also applies to all other items on the floor or the walls.

Excluding your Presence

Don’t forget to add your personality to the space even as you embrace moderate design. Include some of the things you love and cherish, like artwork, family photos, or sentimental objects. They are a reflection of who you are, and you shouldn’t be afraid to display them.

Overcrowd Your Space

Instead of purchasing bulky seats and tables, choose sleek furniture and accessories with clean lines. However, a minimalist design doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort but rather focusing on simplicity and functionality.

The School Using Minecraft To Raise Money For Charity

The School Using Minecraft To Raise Money For Charity

The world we live in today has several forms of inequalities, making some people of certain ages, genders or locations live below basic standards. This disadvantaged group faces a shortage of basic things for survival in modern society. For this reason, well-wishers come up with organizations to raise funds to uplift the lifestyle of the less fortunate in our societies.
As more and more people deserve financial help, there has been a need to create better ways of raising funds besides engaging potential donors in a one-on-one conversation. These new ways are usually informed by activities that people can participate in voluntarily and in large numbers at a small fee. Hence, as you pay to participate, you know very well that the revenues will go towards helping a needy person somewhere. Such activities included games and sports, the sale of items, and luncheons.

The strategy behind the use of these activities is to bring people together, create awareness of how others are suffering, and build a network for current and future initiatives. Young people who are still studying also have an opportunity to help in raising funds through what they do best. One of these ways is online gaming within their communities. Minecraft is one of the leading games chosen by school-going children to create awareness and raise funds for charity work.

How Minecraft Can Generate Charity Funds

Technological advancement has prompted many well-wishers to look up to more creative ways of reaching out to the masses and engaging more donors in a more exciting and friendly approach. One way technology has been used to raise money is by playing Minecraft at schools. For us to embrace the power of this game, let’s look at a recent experience that took place at Richmond School.

In this event, the kids decided to utilize Minecraft gaming for the day’s fundraising as it is a familiar video game to most, if not all, of the teenagers in school. Although the reason for the fund’s drive was not made public, it was for sure made out of love for the deserving beneficiary.

They opted to have a full day of gaming and take advantage of the popularity of Minecraft to raise money within their online communities. At least ten kids went through the gaming session without taking a break with the aim of enduring the longest amongst their peers. The game was not only for survival but a commitment to helping others.

At the end of the gaming session, the exercise was very fruitful, and they managed to collect over £500 for their chosen charity. The event opened up the space for charity work with other influential persons, realizing that unordinary ways of raising cash can also make a difference in people’s lives.

Additionally, the Richmond School realized that working together may achieve more than pursuing a task individually. Hence, they were able to practice patience and commitment in their personal lives as well as being creative in problem-solving, taking the gaming industry beyond entertainment. As for the community, the event inspired them to be creative in having unique strategies for meeting life-changing objectives.

Benefits of Minecraft Gaming for Schooling Charity

While there are many ways schools may use to raise funds for the needy projects, Minecraft comes with many advantages. Firstly, the game rides on online platforms, making it accessible anywhere and over different devices. Hence, if your school wants to game for charity, every participant can comfortably carry their device to school. As long as the school has internet connectivity, they can access Minecraft SMP servers and start gaming for charity. Alternatively, everyone can stream from the comfort of their homes during non-school working hours.

Secondly, the popularity of the games brings a huge following to your fingertips. Over the years, Minecraft has grown its client base all over the world from all ages and lifestyles. Hence, it allows you to sell your charity idea to as many people as there are in the online community. Therefore, you must fish for the willing givers and make your wishes come true.

More so, gaming allows players to align their play with their cause. For instance, those who love building and construction can play Minecraft to raise funds to build houses for persons affected by natural disasters. That makes the players contribute while mutually benefiting from the entertainment part of the game.

Online gaming also provides players with a link to the donation site while streaming and would be generous to offer an excellent amount to fulfill the course of their best streamer. It also makes it possible for them to spread the news about the school initiative during the gaming breaks. Hence, reaching out to more potential donors at no cost and faster. During breaks, you can engage the players and answer questions about the purpose of the charity, giving them a personal touch and eliminating any ideas that might be misleading.

While looking for funds, the school must also be conscious of the costs of arranging a fundraiser. However, with Minecraft online streaming, you need little planning at minimum or no cost. The school doesn’t need to hire a hall to receive guests or get licensing from local officials or even the day’s weather. There are chances, too, that you can liaise with other charity streamers and form partnerships to strengthen the course of your school charity works.


In summary, Richmond School demonstrated that the gaming industry can do more than provide a source of entertainment for fans. The idea is not only creative but cost-effective. It proves that technology can be used in all forms for the good of the entire society.

How to Market Your OnlyFans Account

How to Market Your OnlyFans Account

If you are someone that spends a lot of time on the internet, something that you have definitely noticed by now is that a lot of people are making the decision to make their very own OnlyFans account. OnlyFans has really taken off in the last few years and there are many reasons why people speculate that this is the case.

First of all, we are living in a pretty difficult time financially and people are having to work ridiculous hours just to make enough to cover their basic bills. Having to work all of the time just to make enough money to cover the bare essentials is exhausting and people found themselves working more than 40 hours a week and this really interrupted their lives.

There is no wonder why so many people turned to Onlyfans, as it allowed them to control how much they worked and how much they earned. If you are someone that is sick of the usual grind of work, then you may have considered starting an OnlyFans for yourself.

Though OnlyFans offers brilliant opportunities to make some money, there is a slight issue with joining the site right now. Because of the current economic climate, there are a lot of people out there that are joining OnlyFans. This means that it can be pretty hard for you to stand out and to make a name for yourself, you are going to have to do some pretty clever marketing. As you are probably well aware, marketing your OnlyFans is not the same as marketing your average business and there are some limitations that you have to be aware of. Here is how to market your OnlyFans account.

Social Media

Something that is not different to marketing your average product or business is the social media aspect. Social media is incredibly important when it comes to getting your name out there and gaining customers, especially when it comes to operating an online profile. Make sure that you have a social media presence on just about every single social media platform. I would recommend Snapchat or Twitter in particular, as these websites are far less limited and your accounts are less likely to be blocked for explicit material. Make sure that you are being careful with what you post, as you do not want your accounts to be banned.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective way to market your OnlyFans account. By creating videos that promote your account and share them on social media, you can quickly reach new audiences and get more followers. One great way to do this is to use a quality services like Youtube subscribers service. provides an easy way to get YouTube subscribers and views that can help boost your OnlyFans account.

They offer a variety of packages that are tailored to suit your budget, and they can help you get the exposure you need to grow your account. With their help, you can get more fans quickly and make sure your OnlyFans account is successful.

Local Ads

Another way that you can get your name out there is through the use of local ads. If you are an attractive young man or woman, then you are bound to be able to bring people in easily. A lot of local newspapers and magazines have sections specifically designed to market more mature content and services, so you can always buy cheap ad space in these papers and put your username out there. The best thing is that you do not have to provide any personal information, so people will be able to go straight to your account without even knowing your name.

Contact Others in The Business

There are a lot of people that have managed to find some pretty amazing success on OnlyFans and they are really happy for smaller content creators to message them. If you message them, they may be open to advertising your content to their own customers. This is a great way to get your name out there to people that you know are definitely willing to purchase an OnlyFans subscription. If they are lucky, they may give you this little shoutout for free, but it may be possible that they charge you a small fee for doing so.


Something that is very common among OnlyFans creators is to collaborate. If you are someone that makes explicit content, you could be looking at doubling your subs by collaborating with someone else with an OnlyFans account. Doing this is mutually beneficial, as they will bring some viewers to your account and you can bring some viewers to theirs. It is always great to have friends in the industry and you will feel more comfortable making content with someone with experience that knows what they are doing and can give you some tips.

Use Adult Community Sites

If you have ever been onto a website that contains others’ explicit content, something that you will have noticed is that there is usually a community tab full of people talking about their favorite kind of content and content creators. Something that is not uncommon is people dropping into these community tabs and talking about the content they offer. A big mistake that people make is doing nothing but dropping their names into the chat. People do not feel this is personal enough and they would be far more likely to talk to you and sub to your channel if you haven’t shared more about yourself.

Is America Looking To Finally Ban TikTok?

Is America Looking To Finally Ban TikTok

In the past years, social media lovers have had many ways of sharing their content in videos and photos. However, no other application made it so easy to create, upload, and share with their followers like TikTok. The popular social media app allows you to shoot short and engaging videos with a free sign-up.

However, it has become a center of heated debate in many countries. Some question its data security, and others wonder if the content is age-restrictive, especially for minors. One country that has been debating whether to ban it is the United States.

With the age of all types of smartphones available in the market for everyone, citizens are free to choose their social media content depending on their individual likes and audience. However, the main question is whether what users post is safe and secure from persons and entities that would use the data to breach personal and national security.

Hence, with this question at the center of the debate, will America finally ban TikTok? This article will discuss the concerns, points of opinion, and consequences in the event the US decides to shut down TikTok within its boundaries.

Debate For and Against of TikTok

It’s easier to understand the TikTok debate after getting to know this social media platform. Most users create, share, and watch short videos with other users across the globe. It is now among the top widely used apps, joining WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter. While buying Twitter followers helps a lot to build an audience for personal and corporate branding, TikTok is more of a fun and entertainment app.

The platform has become popular over time, especially among young people, who have expressed themselves through songs, dancing, making fun, and any other content of choice for years. Hence, the discussion about TikTok being bad or good started yesterday.

The main concern with TikTok is based on the uncertainty of data privacy and national security. Hence, those who support banning TikTok are concerned about protecting American users’ data from potential risks such as misuse by foreign institutions.

They also worry about the mental wellness of the major users, who are young. Some wonder whether the kind of content being shared is appropriate and safe for the young audience due to the lack of age ratings.

There are those on the other side who are of a different opinion that a ban will raise concerns over freedom of expression. This would mean that America would be perceived as a nation that calls for the protection of rights to freedom of expression while implementing the contrary.

In addition, a ban may negatively impact the millions of young Americans who use the platform for entertainment, learning, and even business. Hence, the ove will be deemed to have ended the dreams and potential careers of many, whether in the arts or business.

The opponents also argue that the government should enact effective data protection measures to mitigate the raised risks rather than banning the app. This way, the government would be seen to promote the positive impacts while protecting the people from external damage.

From a global view, a ban could create bad international reactions between the U.S. and China, which hosts the Tktok developer. This will not only affect equal trading opportunities but will also negatively impact technological and cultural relations. For market analysts, a ban would be seen as a hint at how the U.S. will be dealing with competing foreign-owned tech companies going forward, which is a bad perception by investors.

Possible Way Forward

Considering the opinions of different people on both sides of the debate, it’s apparent that it’s not easy to directly answer the question of whether America will finally ban TikTok. While the security and privacy of national data are big considerations for any nation when it comes to foreign technology being introduced into the country, there are also many other reasons to halt the ban. In addition, the consequences of implementing a ban will have far-reaching effects beyond the borders of the US.

It is the opinion of those watching the debate that there may be a middle way to solve the issues raised in order to have the platform stay while ensuring the safety of all. Hence, the policymakers, in particular, are obligated to carefully consider all opinions before making the final decision. Hopefully, the verdict will be in the best interest of the Americans and in promoting its principles of freedom of expression, innovation and fair trade relations.


Embracing TikTok not only encourages competitive technology innovation and creativity but also allows users to achieve their personal goals without discrimination. Hence, just like with any new technology being introduced to the market, the best way is to ensure there are measures to curb the risks to the users. Where national security is not only assumed but seems to be apparent, users should also be given such information to allow them to make a choice.