"Color Choices and Suggestions - Your Winter Color Palette"
Do you have a Winter coloring? On this page you’ll find your personal winter color palette and tips on how to select and wear colors that look best on your cool and vivid, skin hair and eye color.

If you’re a Winter,
you probably have:
- A lot of depth to your coloring with bluish or pinkish undertone (eg. Very black to dark brown hair, ashy dark brown hair)
- Bluish or pinkish undertone to your skin. Olive-yellow undertones may be visible but not in the same extent as the cool undertones.
- Eyes are intense (charcoal grey, blue, bright blue, violet, emerald green, black, black-brown, dark hazel)
- High contrast between your hair color, eye color and skin tone – eg. Dark brown/black hair with sparkly eyes and pale skin
- … Or an overall deep look with olive to black skin, dark eyes and black-brown hair
Not a Spring? See other seasons below:
Your coloring is in overall very vivid – which is why you shine in black and other colors that have a strong jewel quality to them. Your hair is usually very dark, ranging from deep medium brown to jet black. Or you may be aging and have gray or salt and pepper hair color. In some instances a Winter can have blonde hair, but it is very cool and white, and almost white looking.
Note: Scroll further down for a personalized color palette with your best colors– find out if you’re cool, clear or deep winter. The winter season is divided into 3 sub-group based on the quality of your coloring, so even if you and your friend are both Winter, she may look better in some Winter colors than you.
Your skin ranges from milky white to olive, to black, but it usually has a ashy cool undertone to it. If you’re a woman of color, the skin might be a cool olive or ashy black-brown.
Your Color Palette Within
the Winter Season
We’re going to take a look at which color palette within the Winter season that looks best on you, based on the quality of your skin, hair and eye color.

Because as you may already know, you and your friend can belong to the same season but differ in color palette by a few nuances if one of you have a lighter or clearer hair or eye color.

Differences between the 3 Winters
Here we have examples of the 3 Winters with typical Winter characteristics but different intensities. Lucy Liu (center) is an example of a classic Winter because of her cool and dark coloring.
Megan Fox (left) has almost the same intensity as Lucy but her eyes are sparkling blue, which makes her into a Clear Winter that flows more toward Spring. Brooke Shields on the other hand has an overall cool (and diffused/light) coloring that flows towards Summer, making her a Cool Winter.

Now let’s check out the typical characteristics and color palette of each intensity:
Cool Winter (eg. Brooke Shields)
Eyes: Charcoal gray, blue, violet, soft dark brown, icy hazel
Hair: Blue-black, ashy dark to medium brown hair, silver, ashy white-blonde, salt & pepper. Absolutely no red or golden tones
Skin: Rose beige, neutral beige, soft-cool olive or black skin
You have a definite Cool appearance with little or no signs of warmth. The other Winters (Clear and Deep) as well as Deep Autumn usually has a color palette similar to this one as they age. You may flow into Cool Summer. Learn more about having a Cool coloring and what colors to wear.
Examples of celebs who are Cool winters: Brooke Shields, Meryl Streep, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Connelly
Clear Winter (eg. Megan Fox)
Eyes: Bright blue, violet, emerald green
Hair: Black, black-brown, medium brown, or dark brown. May have some faint warm highlights. Whitish blonde hair can also occur
Skin: Black, deep brown, light/neutral beige, pale olive, milky white. Often translucent
What stands out in your coloring from the rest of the Winters are the clear and bright color of your eyes and your deep hair color. If you have some warmth to your coloring, you may flow into the Clear Spring palette. Learn more about having a Clear coloring and what colors to wear.
Examples of celebs who are Clear Winters: Megan Fox, Courtney Cox, Vanessa Williams, Liv Tyler
Deep Winter (eg. Lucy Liu)
Eyes: Black, black-brown, dark hazel, and in some instances medium brown eyes which is a sign that you’re flowing into Deep Autumn.
Hair: Black, black-brown, medium brown, steel gray, salt & pepper
Skin: Black, black-brown, olive. Skin may have some warmth which is a sign that you flow into Deep Autumn
The majority of women of color have this color palette. The eyes and hair color is dark. Eyes range from the palest white to dark ebony.
However, if you have some warmth in your coloring you may be a Deep Autumn. Learn more about having a Deep coloring and what colors to wear. Deep Winters may have to turn to the Cool Winter color palette as they age.
Examples of celebs who are Deep Winters: Lucy Liu, Jada Pinkett Smith, Kim Kardashian, Anne Hathaway