"Your Dominant Characteristic in the Seasonal Color Analysis - Clear & Bright"
If your dominant characteristic is Bright then your eyes are most likely clear, including the whites. Generally speaking (and it’s often the case), your coloring is high in contrast and saturation. Many dark haired women of color with sparkly, bright blue eyes fall within this group. A Clear is a complete contrast from a Soft-muted.
Here you can see an example of a classic Clear (Megan Fox) in contrast to a Soft-muted (Drew Barrymore):

Typical Characteristics of a Clear Coloring
These are your dominant characteristics and that set you apart from the rest in the seasonal color analysis:
- Eye color is crisp, clear and often described as electrifying – color ranges from clear blue, icy sparkly blue, turquoise blue or green, clear green, emerald to amber/topaz.
- Hair color is often black to medium brown. However you can also have golden blonde hair, but it has a deep golden, bright quality to it.
- Skin tone ranges from milky white to black, but it most likely has a translucent look to it, giving you a Peaches n’ Cream look.
Your Best Colors
Some of your best colors are black and bright yellow. You’re either a Winter flowing into Spring, or a Spring flowing into Winter. Which means you need colors that are Winter’ish, clear and bright. You look best in colors that are high in saturation, not muted.
Depending on your undertones – if you’re warm, you’ll look great in clear red and teal, as well as various shades of peach and salmon. If you’re cool, you need cooler, slightly deep colors such as royal blue and deep purples as they look amazing with darker hair.
Are You Warm or Cool?
To figure out if you’re a Clear Winter or Clear Spring, you need to figure out if you look better in warm or cool colors. This tells you if you look best in warm clear or cool clear colors.
Here is an example of a Warm (Heather Graham) and Cool Clear (Liv Tyler):
Bright, warm colors = Clear Spring | Bright, cool colors = Clear Winter |
Teal blue Warm pink True green | Royal blue Magenta Pine green |
The Color Palettes
– Clear Spring and Clear Winter
Clear Spring

From Left: Navy, grey, charcoal, black, light grey, turquoise, yellow, marigold yellow, mint, green, dark green, clear teal, hot turquoise, true blue, purple, purple-gray, peach, salmon, true red, warm pastel pink, hot pink.
Compared to Clear Winter you need to layer with warmer colors to be able to look amazing in black and grays. Since your coloring flows towards the warmer season, you look great in bright greens. Ivory is one of your best neutrals.
Examples of celebs with Bright Spring color palette: Heather Graham, Emilie de Ravin, Brittany Snow
See how warmer the Spring colors are? The Winter colors are more jewel-like.
Both groups consist of clear colors which bring out the brightness in your eyes. What sets Clear Spring from the rest of the groups in the Spring season, is that they can wear black. That’s because they have a crisp coloring, flowing into Winter. But a Winter will most likely pull off black better than Spring because of their darker and cooler coloring.
Always take the silver or gold test to be sure.
Clear Winter

From Left: Medium gray, charcoal, black, dark taupe, icy grey, taupe, icy blue, icy lavendar, lavendar, icy pink, clear red, raspberry, raspberry pink, aubergine, icy yellow, bright golden yellow, hot turquoise, emerald turquoise, purple, dark purple, royal blue, navy.
Your palette is more Winter-like with all the purples and grays, and lack of a Spring’s fresh greens and peachy pinks. Your best colors are cooler, icy and deeper than Clear Spring’s. Pure white, black and grays are some of your best neutrals.
Examples of celebs who are Bright Winters: Megan Fox, Courtney Cox, Vanessa Williams, Liv Tyler